Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SUNY Brockport (Brockport, NY)

Hartwell Hall on the college's campus is reportedly haunted.  Hartwell Hall was the first building on the campus and was originally used as a school for teachers, the Brockport Normal School.  Reports have mainly been made by the cleaning staff when they are alone in the building.  One staff member reported activity on one of the upper floors claiming that it sounded as if doors were opening and closing and there was laughter and voices in the halls.  Another reported being touched on the shoulder while cleaning but when she turned to see who was there with her, she saw no one.  When she was cleaning one of the ballet rooms, the same woman slipped and fell backwards off her step ladder.  She was caught by someone or something and placed gently on the floor, unharmed.  There was of course no one physically there.  Another report is that in the basement where the pool is located, people have heard unexplained splashing when no one is around.

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